Updated Icons for Color Blind Users

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When trending studies in mTAB, colors are used to identify the status of Question, Recode, and User Defined Question icons.

Green icons mean the question is consistent across all studies and can be used without any updating.

Yellow icons (orange for UDQs) mean the question is present across all of the studies, but needs to be updated to include any new responses.

Red indicates that the question is not present in all of the studies, so trending across all of the studies will not be possible.

An exclamation mark ( ! ) now appears in the upper left of all yellow Question, Recode, or orange User Defined Question icons.

Base question yellow.png
Yellow recode.png

Red questions will now include an X in the upper left of the Question, Recode, or User Defined Question icons.

Base question red.png
Red recode.png