TopN additional data type analysis

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In the TopN report it is often useful to be able to include more than one data type in the report, but normally only one can be selected. This extension to the TopN system now enhances the functionality to make this possible.

This functionality will be especially useful, for example, if you place make/model of car on the rows and satisfaction on the columns, using the Mean format. These columns can then be sorted to rate the brands in order from say “best to worst”. Towards the bottom of the row questions, you see the row responses “Formatted Subset Total” & “Formatted Sample Total”, which we normally do not display on the final TopN display. These row responses are in effect “Market” average scores or “Subset” average scores and are therefore potentially useful/interesting within the display, as you can see how particular brands rate in relation to the market average or sub group average.

To make use of the enhanced functionality, set up a standard TopN report by selecting multiple columns or the entire worksheet and hitting the TopN icon. Then in the TopN Report Options box you have the ability to select either Subset, Sample or both “Totals”.
TopN topN-additional-data-type-analysis options-dialog.jpg
Then when you are happy with all other selections hit OK and these row responses will be carried through into the final sheet in their respective ranked position.
TopN topN-additional-data-type-analysis sample-totals.jpg