Verbatim Overview
From mtab wikisupport
mTAB supports the analysis of verbatim survey responses including the ability to cross tab verbatim or "open ended" responses with "closed end" survey responses, and view verbatim responses of a filtered set of respondents based upon "closed end" questions selected as mTAB's filter.
In this way, an analyst can limit the number of verbatim responses to review (i.e. read over) by filtering down the respondent cases to a specific criteria like "unsatisfied with the sales experience".
mTAB's verbatim report view can be exported to a spreadsheet, and the tag cloud feature within mTAB's verbatim report view can help quantify the analysis of the displayed verbatims.
How to use verbatim questions
- Main article: How to use verbatim questions
Bigrams, Trigrams and Porter Stemming
- Main article: Bigrams, Trigrams and Porter Stemming
Tag Clouds
- Main article: Tag Clouds
Selected column tag cloud
- Main article: Selected column tag cloud
Tag cloud frequencies
- Main article: Tag cloud frequencies
Tag cloud breadcrumbs
- Main article: Tag cloud breadcrumbs
Verbatim Filtering
- Main article: Verbatim Filtering