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* navigation
* navigation
** MTAB Knowledge Base|Home
** MTAB Knowledge Base|Home
Line 6: Line 5:
**Retrieving your mTAB password|Retrieving your mTAB password
**Retrieving your mTAB password|Retrieving your mTAB password
**Security Features|Security Features
**Security Features|Security Features
**Save the .JNLP message when launching mTAB|Save the .JNLP message when launching mTAB
**Save the .JNLP message when launching mTAB (XP)|Save the .JNLP message when launching mTAB (XP)
**Save the .JNLP message when launching mTAB (Windows 7)|Save the .JNLP message when launching mTAB (Windows 7)
**Clearing the mTAB cache|Clearing the mTAB cache
**Clearing the mTAB cache|Clearing the mTAB cache
* Filter
* Filter
Line 81: Line 81:
**Significance testing - Adjacent columns|Significance testing - Adjacent columns
**Significance testing - Adjacent columns|Significance testing - Adjacent columns
**Significance testing - Top/Bottom box|Significance testing - Top/Bottom box
**Significance testing - Top/Bottom box|Significance testing - Top/Bottom box
**Significance testing - Effective Base|Significance testing - Effective Base
**Significance testing - Overlap Correction|Significance testing - Overlap Correction
**Charts Overview|Charts Overview
**Charts Overview|Charts Overview
**Correspondence analysis|Correspondence analysis
**Correspondence analysis|Correspondence analysis

Latest revision as of 12:39, 12 May 2014

  • navigation
    • MTAB Knowledge Base|Home
  • Administration
    • Changing your mTAB password|Changing your mTAB password
    • Retrieving your mTAB password|Retrieving your mTAB password
    • Security Features|Security Features
    • Save the .JNLP message when launching mTAB (XP)|Save the .JNLP message when launching mTAB (XP)
    • Save the .JNLP message when launching mTAB (Windows 7)|Save the .JNLP message when launching mTAB (Windows 7)
    • Clearing the mTAB cache|Clearing the mTAB cache
  • Filter
    • Filter Overview|Filter Overview
    • Filter description options|Filter description options
    • Filter Logic|Filter Logic
    • Ignore Filter|Ignore Filter
  • Format
    • Format Overview|Format Overview
    • Selecting a format style|Selecting a format style
    • Maximum and Minimum|Maximum and Minimum
    • Creating a new format style|Creating a new format style
    • Subset remainder question format|Subset remainder question format
    • Quartile formats|Quartile formats
  • Layer
    • Layer Overview|Layer Overview
    • Introduction to layer|Introduction to layer
    • Selecting an alternative weight with multiple studies|Selecting an alternative weight with multiple studies
    • How to edit short study descriptions|How to edit short study descriptions
  • Recode
    • Recode Overview|Recode Overview
    • Importing new labels into a recode|Importing new labels into a recode
    • Auto create recode across selected studies|Auto create recode across selected studies
    • Create recode new labels from base questions subset|Create recode new labels from base questions subset
    • Recode auto map dialog|Recode auto map dialog
    • Sorting in the recode editor|Sorting in the recode editor
    • Saving a draft recode|Saving a draft recode
    • Auto map, parsing stat values, saving|Auto map, parsing stat values, saving
    • Enhanced copy old to new in recode editor|Enhanced copy old to new in recode editor
  • Verbatim Responses
    • Verbatim Overview|Verbatim Overview
    • How to use verbatim questions|How to use verbatim questions
    • Bigrams, Trigrams and Porter Stemming|Bigrams, Trigrams and Porter Stemming
    • Tag Clouds|Tag Clouds
    • Selected column tag cloud|Selected column tag cloud
    • Tag cloud frequencies|Tag cloud frequencies
    • Tag cloud breadcrumbs|Tag cloud breadcrumbs
    • Verbatim Filtering|Verbatim Filtering
  • Spreadsheet
    • Spreadsheet Overview|Spreadsheet Overview
    • Applying a conditional format|Applying a conditional format
    • Conditional formatting - Auto Legend|Conditional formatting - Auto Legend
    • Conditional formatting - User defined benchmark column|Conditional formatting - User defined benchmark column
    • Interpreting K-means cluster analysis|Interpreting K-means cluster analysis
    • Simplified datasheet|Simplified datasheet
    • Support for URL's in spreadsheet|Support for URL's in spreadsheet
    • Sorting by question response labels|Sorting by question response labels
    • Spreadsheet Search/Replace Feature|Spreadsheet Search/Replace Feature
    • Text orientation in the spreadsheet|Text orientation in the spreadsheet
  • Subset
    • Subset Overview|Subset Overview
  • TopN
    • TopN Overview|TopN Overview
    • TopN report in layer outside worksheets|TopN report in layer outside worksheets
    • Colorization|Colorization
    • TopN in the spreadsheet view|TopN in the spreadsheet view
    • TopN additional data type analysis|TopN additional data type analysis
  • User Defined Questions
    • User Defined Questions Overview|User Defined Questions Overview
    • Creating a user defined question|Creating a user defined question
    • Applying a user defined question to another study|Applying a user defined question to another study
    • Updating a user defined question|Updating a user defined question
    • Update new question responses in a user defined question|Update new question responses in a user defined question
  • Slice
    • Slice Overview|Slice Overview
    • How to use Slice|How to use Slice
    • Importing a SLICE file into SPSS|Importing a SLICE file into SPSS
  • Sig Testing/Statistics
    • Sig Testing/Statistics Overview|Sig Testing/Statistics Overview
    • Statistical formulas documentation|Statistical formulas documentation
    • Variations in means/statistical calculations|Variations in means/statistical calculations
    • Spreadsheet view - rounding differences explained|Spreadsheet view - rounding differences explained
    • Significance testing|Significance testing
    • Significance testing - Adjacent columns|Significance testing - Adjacent columns
    • Significance testing - Top/Bottom box|Significance testing - Top/Bottom box
    • Significance testing - Effective Base|Significance testing - Effective Base
    • Significance testing - Overlap Correction|Significance testing - Overlap Correction
  • Charts
    • Charts Overview|Charts Overview
    • Correspondence analysis|Correspondence analysis
  • Save/Export
    • Save/Export Overview|Save/Export Overview
    • Ability to export spreadsheet as an XML|Ability to export spreadsheet as an XML
    • Tab saving dialog|Tab saving dialog
    • Publish tabs to selected users|Publish tabs to selected users
    • MyTabs sort by date|MyTabs sort by date
    • Creating a folder structure in studies and mytabs lists|Creating a folder structure in studies and mytabs lists
  • Other
    • Question nesting in mTAB|Question nesting in mTAB
    • Optimizing Java for mTAB|Optimizing Java for mTAB
    • Batch Run|Batch Run
    • Understanding the icons in mTAB|Understanding the icons in mTAB
    • Loyalty/Source of Sales|Loyalty/Source of Sales
    • Overview: mTAB User Interface|Overview: mTAB User Interface
    • Group Questions|Group Questions
    • Hide topics/questions in the question view|Hide topics/questions in the question view
    • Meaning of (MK)(G1)?|Meaning of (MK)(G1)?
    • Use of the GROUP uniquing options|Use of the GROUP uniquing options
    • Setting the default to the column pane|Setting the default to the column pane
  • Videos
    • Tutorials|Tutorials
    • Webinars|Webinars
  • Whitepapers
    • Whitepapers|Whitepapers